
Critically Acclaimed Author on National Security Issues

“Rohan Gunaratna’s Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community is yet another masterful work by this world-renowned political scientist and internationally acclaimed expert on terrorism.”

General (Retd.) John Allen photo

General (Retd.) John Allen

Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to Defeat the Islamic State 2014-2015
Commander NATO International Security Assistance Force & and U.S. Forces Afghanistan 2011-2013

“Dr Gunaratna’s critical examination of the Islamic-State-inspired Easter Sunday terror attack in Sri Lanka is essential reading for those in law enforcement, intelligence, military, government, and politics who share responsibility for preventing such devastating events.”

David Cohen

David Cohen

CIA Deputy Director for Operations 1995-1997
NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence 2002-2014

Books authored by Rohan Gunaratna

A Research Agenda for Far-Right Violence and Extremism book edited by rohan gunaratna

A Research Agenda for Far-Right Violence and Extremism

Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre Lessons for the International Community

Terrorism and the Pandemic: Weaponizing of COVID-19

Terrorist Rehabilitation and Community Engagement in Malaysia and Southeast Asia

Inside Al Qaeda: Global Network of Terror

The Three Pillars of Radicalization: Needs, Narratives, and Networks

Sri Lanka's Ethnic Crisis and National Security

Terrorist Rehabilitation: The U.S. Experience in Iraq

Sri Lanka, a lost revolution? The inside story of the JVP

Sri Lanka, a lost revolution? The inside story of the JVP

Indian intervention in Sri Lanka: The role of India's intelligence agencies

Indian intervention in Sri Lanka: The role of India's intelligence agencies

Pakistan: Terrorism Ground Zero

The Global Jihad Movement

The Global Jihad Movement

Countering Extremism: Building Social Resilience Through Community Engagement (Imperials College Press Insurgency and Terrorism, 1)

Countering Extremism: Building Social Resilience Through Community Engagement

Ethnic Identity and National Conflict in China

Counterterrorism: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

War and Peace in Sri Lanka: With a Post-Accord Report From Jaffna

War and Peace in Sri Lanka: With a Post-Accord Report From Jaffna

The Terrorist Threat from Thailand: Jihad or Quest for Justice?

The Terrorist Threat from Thailand: Jihad or Quest for Justice?

A Fortified Far Right Scrutinizing the Threat

A Fortified Far Right Scrutinizing the Threat

Implications of the Pandemic for Terrorist Interest in Biological Weapons

Implications of the Pandemic for Terrorist Interest in Biological Weapons

Tha Maldives - Home of the Children of the Sea

Tha Maldives - Home of the Children of the Sea

Conflict And Terrorism in Southern Thailand

Conflict And Terrorism in Southern Thailand

Jane's Counter Terrorism

International & Regional Security Implications of the Sri Lankan Tamil Insurgency

International & Regional Security Implications of the Sri Lankan Tamil Insurgency